Thursday, February 17, 2005

Lessons on how to fight terror

I came across this article, written only a couple of days after September 11th 2001, while following a chain of links from the Register. I was struck by how prescient it was, and sadly by how many of lessons listed here that the Americans (and British to some extent) have ignored and must learn again. As the article points out, the British have spent more time fighting terrorists than just about anybody else. You could speculate why that was, and what the two current greatest victims of terrorist tactics, the US and Israel, have in common with the Britain that aroused such hatred. The question you have to ask is not 'how can we stop the terrorists', but 'what is it we are doing that makes these people feel that they would rather die than share this world with us?'. Only when you understand that can you start to stop the killing.

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